effective & fast natural remedy _ two recipes at once to get rid of problem of headache & migraine

4 years ago


Headache is one of the most common health problems among individuals, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or age. According to the reports of the World Health Organization, almost half of the adult population around the world will suffer from headaches in one of their years of life. In fact, headaches can be defined. However, it is that mild or severe pain, constant or intermittent, which may arise on one side of the head, or in the area of ​​the top of the neck, or in the entire head area, due to many different reasons, and in fact headaches can be classified into several types, which differ among themselves By intensity and shape, and of these types; Tension headache that occurs as a result of suffering from tension or tension that the head muscles are exposed to, so the patient suffers from pain that starts from the back of the head and the top of the neck, and spreads around the circumference of the head, as for cluster headaches; His attacks occur in periods, during which the patient suffers from pain that accompanies him at the same time every day, as this pain is centered around one of the eyes, or behind it, and in addition to the above, one of the types of headache is associated with a person suffering from nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light, sounds and smells This is called a migraine headache; Which often occurs as a result of certain changes in the levels of neurotransmitters inside the brain.

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