obama's thid term ? - "If I ran I think I could win."

4 years ago

Over a decade of warning about a King Cobra seeking the steal America's soul and it fell on deaf ears and blind eyes!

Now America fights for her very soul and sovereignty given to us by God himself!

You don't think obama had a communist mind set and can't stand America or its citizenry?

Quote: Obama: " And for the International Order that we have worked for generations to build. Ordinary men and women are to small minded to govern their own affairs. Order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all powerful sovereign."

What do you see before your eyes happening in America today? Voter fraud, vigilantes burning down cities businesses, lives lost, people beaten up, kids kept from going to school in the name of #Covid19, imposed mask mandates and lockdowns in mostly Dem lead states. Then have faulty tests giving false positive results on Covid19, ICU codes used improperly.

Research: ICD March 2020


ICD 2021 https://www.icd10data.com/search?s=covid-19&codebook=icd10all


Research for yourself (assuming peer to peer papers on #Covid19 aren't scrubbed). This is how I learned. #MSM is not going to tell you the truth!!

Pray and stand President Trump.

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