Chicxulub - The Dinosaur's End, Op 127

4 years ago

Chicxulub, The Dinosaur's End, Op 127
66,043,000 years ago, +/- 11,000 years, so the current theory is (radioisotope dating),
a meteor 15 km in diameter struck in the region that is currently the Yucatan peninsula
of Mexico, creating the Chicxulub Crater.
It was sudden and impacted all life. The scene depicted in the music takes place at a
location now known as Hell Creek, North Dakota. The theory was advanced, and
research on this was done by several individuals. They Included Luis Alvarez,
Antonio Camargo, and Alan Hildebrand
Pterodactyls Alight
Parasaurolophus Mating
T. rex pursues prey
Chicxulub Meteor
Devastation/The Dinosaurs Die
Paleocene Birds & Mammals Emerge

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