Thomas Wicktor

4 years ago

About Thomas Wictor
Thomas Wictor was born in Caripito, Venezuela, and has lived in Texas, the Netherlands, Norway, Great Britain, Oregon, Japan, and California. He earned a bachelor's degree in history from Lewis and Clark College and has worked as a stevedore, library archivist, conversational English teacher, editor of the world's first online newspaper, voiceover actor, delivery driver, process server, field representative for a document-retrieval service, and music journalist.

He is the author of seven books and is the planet's only expert on World War I flamethrowers, an accomplishment he attained completely by default, since nobody else is interested in them. A former Contributing Editor at Bass Player magazine, he was once a semi-professional bass guitarist in Tokyo.

Wictor's magnum opus is the Ghosts Trilogy, which explores the theme of conquering a traumatic past by transforming anger over devastating loss into gratitude for what once was. The three titles--a memoir, a novel, and a diary--are united by their mordant humor, honesty, and dual mission to banish and entertain. They share multiple tie-ins, each book embellishing the other two by amplifying notions, incidents, history, and characters.

The Ghosts trilogy consists of:

Ghosts and Ballyhoo: Memoirs of a Failed L.A. Music Journalist.

Chasing the Last Whale, a fictional black comedy about love and suicide in contemporary wartime America.

Hallucinabulia: the Dream Diary of an Unintended Solitarian.

Wictor also commissioned the Ghosts and Ballyhoo album, a collection of improvised jazz pieces based on the memoir and recorded by Scott Thunes, Ron Kukan, Steven Menasche, and Jai Young Kim.

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