4 years ago

You In Him Ministries is based on "Christ in You, the Hope of Glory" Scripture - Colossians 1:27. Our ministry is "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman who needs not to be ashamed but rightly divides the Word of Truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).

Today, as a break, we are dealing with Colossians 3:1-25, specifically verse 21, where discouragement can come giving a false picture of our Father who art in heaven.

Pamela Gunderson is an evangelist who speaks the oracles of God, and her gifting is the Word of Knowledge for deliverance and healing. While still being in seminary, she ministers through her video pulpit for the Lord's kingdom, the gospel while working towards her doctoral degree in Christian Leadership in Christian Education for ED.D.

Let the BIBLE change our culture through Scripture rather than letting the enemy saturate and take away the wonderful blessing the Lord has for each and every one of us regardless of gender qualification debate on both sides of the spectrum.

Christ is the son of God and is God. We must rise up and reclaim the Church that teaches that there is a heaven and a hell that are very real and to shout out loud, "Don't miss heaven, prepare for the Rapture, and if you miss it and go into Tribulation, some survival tips: however, you will die either for Christ or for Anti-Christ; there will be no getting away from it. Choose you this day who you will serve (Joshua 24:14-15, ESV).

Pamela Gunderson is now accepting ministry engagements for evangelism and revival for the ministry's work.

Invitations may be sent either by phone or email %
or call 833-726-8255 or 833 Pam-Talks
or by MAIL:
Pamela Gunderson
% You In Him Ministries
1018 E. Wishkah St., Ste 213
Aberdeen, WA 98520

Other ways of viewing videos are You In Him Ministries @
You.In.Him.Ministries for Facebook.com
You In Him Ministries Presents Pam Gunderson on YouTube.com
You In Him Ministries@You.In.Him.Ministries for Facebook

Have a glorious Day in Christ,
Yours In Him,
Sister Pamela, M.Div. and Doctoral Candidate, Liberty University for ED.D

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