VALORANT Shuffle Tournament - How it works

3 years ago

This competition is not affiliated with or sponsored by Riot Games, Inc. or VALORANT Esports.

VALORANT Shuffle Tournament
Join as friends, Leave as enemies!

Hello and welcome to the first ever Shuffle Tournament!
This Tournament will begin on Saturday Nov 21 is Free to Enter and will consist of 20 players (4 teams).
The prize for winning will be $25 split among the 5 winners. (There are no 2nd, 3rd, or 4th place prizes.)

If you would like to join please comment down below and join the Discord server

How it works:
To start off the tournament, each player will be put into a team at random and default into the Winning Bracket for now. Maps are decided at random also (Icebox will NOT be played).
Each team will go against each other 1 on 1 and one at a time. After the first game is over the winner will proceed like normal to fight the next opposing team, and the loser will drop down into the Losers Bracket for a chance to get back up to the Winning Bracket. From then on, opposing teams in the Winning Bracket or the Losing Bracket will shuffle players between the team they are up against at random. Players will shuffle everytime until all teams are eliminated except for 2. The 2 remaining teams will not shuffle players between each other, instead they will stay with the same players on the same teams. After the game has finished the team that wins will be declared the winners of the tournament and the prize will be split among those 5 players, ending the tournament.

In short, participating players are randomly placed into teams and then shuffled into different teams after each game. See how well you stack up against new foes and teammates!

1. North America only
2. Must have stable internet connection
3. Don't be toxic
3. No cheating
5. If a player is AFK they will be kicked from the tournament and replaced with a Stand-in

Our goal for these tournaments is for everyone to have fun and enjoy it.
Test your skills and see how well you stack up against players that are constantly changing!

Since this is the first ever Shuffle Tournament in existence, we encourage players to stream the tournament and spread the word so we can do more of these in the future with better prizes.

We hope you have fun and enjoy yourself in this first ever Shuffle Tournament.
Best of luck!

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