Schaftlein Report | What do Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell and Jenna Ellis have up their sleeves?

4 years ago

Schaftlein Report | What do Attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell and Jenna Ellis have up their sleeves?
1. The elections are not over until the STATE certifies the election.

2. Georgia - zero voter ID for Absentee Ballots 1.3M voted - Only .003 thrown out versus 3% in normal election
Lawsuit being filed in Georgia on Friday

3. Pennsylvania - (69K) votes behind, legal team advocates fraud. They need to present proof to the court. Over 100 affidavits.

4. Wisconsin - (20K) votes behind, 60K votes are being contested

5. Arizona - Lawsuit being filed on Friday

6. Michigan lawsuit dropped. Trump to invite GOP lawmakers to the White House?

7. Trump needs to find judges that will agree with their evidence as presented.

8. Dominion Software problems and allegations

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