They want adults vaccinated & to hide child shots from parents-Dawn Richardson Natl Vaccine Info Ctr

3 years ago

During covid’s crisis, lockdown supporters have promised relief upon the introduction of a vaccine. To increase acceptance, state governments are trying to bypass parental consent. Vaccines have been ruled by the Supreme Court as “inherently unsafe”, and where there is a risk, Ms. Richardson presents, there must be a choice.

Learn the risks of not only the Covid shot but also about the corruption in vaccine science - and most tragic of all, the explosion in childhood chronic disease that has tracked the increase in the number of mandated shots. And with Covid, mandates now will confront every adult on the planet.

Also, Ms. Richardson will warn about a DC law that will hit in most of the 50 states - to not only forbid parental consent but also to CONCEAL from parents when their children get vaccinated!

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