LIVE: VIOLENT ARREST of German Doctor by Nazi Police – Anno 2020!

4 years ago

​It's hardly possible to believe, yet we can see how horribl​y real it is in this covid. The New World Order ​which ​is being ​established under the guise o​f 'Covid-19 measures' is ​nothing less than ​criminal tyranny. German medical doctor Andres Noack is violently arrested in a totally illegal way. The police have no arrest warrant whatsoever, they don't explain why he is being arrested, but they break violently thr​ough his door, enter his house unlawfully, and ​force him to the ground, while screaming like ​demon-possessed madmen, ​pointing a machinegun at his head.

This is literally ​what ​happened ​during the ​previous World Wars, ​with the Nazis​: screaming aggressively, and breaking through doors, to illegally arrest innocent citizens.

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