4 years ago

As we watch all the turmoil taking place in our country, we must find ourselves almost in shock! When you compare the lives of many in America from last Christmas, say, to today, it is like living in another country. And, I fear that the trouble as just gotten started. The virus SEEMS to be increasing, but is it .... really? I know it is a very deadly virus, but are we being told the truth,, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? What about the election? More and more evidence is being found that the election was in the process of being stolen. Why? What could be the agenda (the long range agenda) to all this? Is there historical precedence for what is happening. More to the point, IS THERE A SUPERNATURAL ELEMENT TO ALL THIS? AND IF SO ... WHAT IS IT? In this, and the next several episodes, I hope to present a process, both ancient, present, and future that will give you some idea as to what we can expect! I hope you will stay tuned!

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