Dodging the "Rona"

4 years ago

Who has caught a case of that "Rona/ Covid-19/ Corona virus"? I am assuming that you must look like this guy? As for myself, I have yet to contract it ( not to my knowledge at least) if so I handled it like a champ 😜. To be honest had the shits bad the other weekend which made me realize what all of the fighting over toilet paper was about and why it was definitely necessary to have excessive rolls on hand lol. Then again, we do have 3 females in 1 apartment, so either way we go through that stuff rather quickly hehehe. But, everyday I find myself trying to "Dodge The Rona" but, I am curious to know from anyone that has had it are they still experiencing any after affect's? Do you think you will ever fully recover? Your thoughts please?

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