Just Jesie

4 years ago

“Hi, my name is Jesie,” I say as I extend out my hand for a handshake.

“Hi Jessica, nice to meet you,” they say as their hand meets mine.

“Uh, not Jessica... Just Jesie.” I smile nervously, hoping that I hadn’t offended anyone by correcting them.

That is literally how I have introduced myself for most of my life.

And, I love the name Jessica! But, that’s not my name.

My older sisters have a first name that starts with an “S,” so to complete my parents’ trio of children, my name was going to be something like Shawna, Sheila or Share.

But, back in the day, fathers were not allowed to go into the delivery room, they instead had to sit and wait for the doctor in the waiting room. And, on this particular day, my father was in the waiting room anxiously awaiting.

To ease his anxiety, he started to focus on the music that was being played through the overhead speakers. As the doctor walked into the room to tell him the good news a song (that my father likes very much) had been playing; “I’m not Lisa” by Jessi Colter.

As soon as the doctor tell my father; “it’s a girl,” my dad decided that my name was going to be Jesie Marie. Jesie, after Jessi Colter and Marie after my mother. My father decided to give me one “S” in my name that way everyone knew it was not Jessica, Just Jesie…

The funny part is my mother had no idea that my father gave me that name until a day later.

Check out my website https://justjesie.com/

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