Walk around "Makeshift hospital" El Paso, TX

4 years ago

Filmed on November 16, 2020, we took a walk around the "makeshift hospital" in downtown El Paso. It was constructed a couple weeks ago at the El Paso Civic Center. People are claiming that the people staffing the facility are coming in from out of town, however, we have been unable to verify that information.

There is very little coverage of this event:


One of the possible events going on in the hospital is people with dual citizenship are being brought over the border to the civic center, we haven't found any conclusive evidence to corroborate that story.


***In the video, the date of the local press conference was stated mistakingly as the end of November, when the actual date of the conference was October 30, 2020.***

If there are signs around the building that state that it is not a medical care site, and it is not a co-vid testing site, then our questioin is, what exactly is it?

All footage shot by the people who made this video.
Post your opinions in the comments, if you know any verifiable information please comment and link anything relevant.

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