犍陀羅式十二幅佛畫 - Ven. Dr. Mapalagama Wipulasara Thera 維巴拉沙拿的作品

4 years ago

郭兆明博士著 - 慧眼觀世界:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZzDkklv7CTGvKDvIjQsGSqMDSZ-CcBmn/view

大細昭 https://www.patreon.com/KwokWisdom

維巴拉沙拿藝術畫 http://www.kwoksgallery.com

郭氏電影精選 - 免費網上智慧電影院:



1 Katthahari Jataka 迦特哈利本生經

2 Ksantivadi Jataka 忍辱仙人本生經

3 Vessantara Jataka 湏達摩轉生經

4 The Birth of Prince Siddhartha 悉達多太子降生

5 The Buddha accepting a meal from the poorest man in Savatthi 接受最貧者一飯之施

6 The First Sermon of the Buddha 初轉法輪

7 The Buddha nursed a sick monk 看護病者

8 Khema visiting the Buddha at Veluvana Khema 柯瑪夫人值遇佛陀

9 The Buddha’s First Missionary Group 第一個弘化團

10 The War between the Sakyas and Koliyas 釋迦與拘利雅兩族戰爭

11 The Buddha taught the Abhidhamma to his mother 升忉利天為母說法

12 The Buddha descended from Tavatimsa to Sankassa City 從忉利天降至桑伽施城

These paintings were created by Ven. Mapalagama Wipulasara.

Ven. Dr. Mapalagama Wipulasara Thera, a world renowned Sculptor and Painter, was born in Sri Lanka on 3rd of March 1925.His distinguished art works are currently exhibited worldwide including Sri Lanka, India, Japan, China, New York, Australia and Germany.

The Ven. Wipulasara Thera has been awarded with many honours, including the Kalasoori, the most prestigious artistic award, from the Sri Lanka Government and the Twentieth Century Award for Achievement, presented by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, UK, in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the cultural propagation.

The Ven. Wipulasara Thera created superb art works in various traditional art forms including Gok-kola decor art, Kolam, Puppertry and Kohombakankariya. His Buddha statues sculptures at Ananda College in Colombo, House of the president of Sri Lanka and many Buddhist temples are world renowned.

The Ven. Wipulasara Thera held several important positions including Chief President of the Sri Lanka Buddhist Congress, High Priest, and adviser with over 18 National and International Organizations. In 1972, he involved in designing National emblem of Sri Lanka. The Ven. Wipulasara Thera was the President of the Maha Bodhi Society of India in 1996-1998.

This work was finished in 1989 at Sri Lanka, by Ven. Dr. Mapalagama Wipulasara Thera. The ownership of this original piece belongs to Dr. Kwok Shiu Ming, the Chairman of International Centre of Sakyamunis Culture.

This replica is made in 2017 by TTOOPP. Print on Canvas. Unframed.

世界著名雕塑家和畫家瑪巴拉迦瑪.維巴拉沙拿,在1925年3月3日出生於印度洋的明珠--斯里蘭卡。 除了斯里蘭卡,他在印度,日本,中國,香港,澳大利和德國有藝術創作, 作品類別繁多而出眾, 令人嘆為觀止!


(gok-kola),民間粉筆畫(kolam),木偶戲(Puppetry),以至斯里蘭卡的傳統舞蹈(Kohombakankariya),都出類拔萃, 才藝非凡。而他為阿倫坡的阿南達學院(Ananda College)多間佛寺及總統府內塑造的佛像,是他的藝術成就的高峰。


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