Starting a Pine Needle Basket with a Center

4 years ago

This video will get you started in pine needle basket making. With this video I am starting with a 4" wood center that can be purchased from a craft store. I drilled the holes myself with a 3/32" drill bit. The holes are drilled between 1/4" - 1/2". The closer the better because as the basket diameter expands your stitches will grow further apart so get the holes as close as possible from the start. After drilling the holes lightly sand the back of the center. Then you may stain and or varnish if desired.

My first row is a wrapped row. I like to start with a wrapped row for the first row. Look for part 2 "Finishing the Wrapped Row" to complete this first row.

The needles are dyed green not naturally green. They were light brown when I dyed them. Fresh green needles will turn brown. I will upload a video how to prepare and dye pine needles.

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