Hatsan Blitz full auto .25 cal

4 years ago

Hatsan Blitz full-auto .25 cal
Shooting JSB Diabolo Exact King .25 Cal, 25.39 grains
Steel targets @ 40 yards.
More in depth review later but:
►Tact driver at 40 yards maybe even 75 yards
►Pretty easy (with some practice) to hit an 6 in target at 100 yards free hand
►Heavy but well balanced
►Easily over 100 shots per fill
►Loves the JSB Kings
►Does not like H&N Field Target Trophy Air Gun Pellets 25 Caliber 20.06 Grain
JSB Pellets: https://www.airgundepot.com/jsb-546298-350.html
Hatsan Blitz .25 Cal: https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1022374420
H&N Field Target Trophy Pellets: https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1016504984?pid=453340

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