Pop!_OS 20.10 | Quick Look | Xbox Series X Giveaway

4 years ago

Pop!_OS is an Ubuntu-based Linux distro created and maintained by Linux computer maker System76. Pop!_OS uses a customized version of GNOME Shell desktop (Pop! Shell); loads in some additional apps, utilities, and settings (their dark mode is a proper one); and the system is designed to work seamlessly with System76 hardware (which sadly I don’t own).

The latest version of their home-grown OS is based on top of the recent Ubuntu 20.10 release. Pop!_OS 20.10 inherits all of the core foundational features found in regular Ubuntu 20.10, including a GNOME 3.38 base, the Linux 5.8 kernel, and guaranteed app and security updates for the next nine months.

Pop!_OS 20.10 features a couple of notable improvements over the Pop!_OS 20.04 release. This includes fractional scaling support (Ubuntu introduced this in 20.04); a way to set floating window exceptions for apps too small to tile elegantly; and this release supports external monitors in hybrid graphics mode.

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