Media visual propaganda. The US election. Bitchute. Rumble. 10 minutes vitamin D - lies and studies

4 years ago

Just look at the visuals from the Norwegian media Alternativ Media:
Imagine the problem for any government to stay in power if media would constantly report like this!

And compare with the climate propaganda that is ice calving, a seal with a plastig bag, a cooling tower from a nuclear plant that is steaming, people who are fleeing from Obama's wars and the corruption in California, and other "proof" that you must lower your CO2-emissions!

These people deserve to get the propaganda turned against themselves!

We're waiting to see if this can be proven and the courts can be convinced:
How they did it:
NV: zero signature verification
PA: counting late ballots for three full days
Wi, MI, PA, GA: stoppage of count/100 to 0 ballot dumps
AZ, NV, WI, MI, GA, VA, NH: electronic flipping of totals

The evidence is being organized & about to reign down.

Sidney Powell explains a testamony how Dominion helped with election rigging in Venezuela, USA and elsewhere:

From yesterday: This is how the magpies were trained to pick up trash:
Please tell him that I sent you if you like that video!

More from yesterday:
A Swedish article written by someone trying to discredit vitamin D supplements:
Good points about minerals, K2, magnesium etc, but the entire article has the point of deceiving people from taking enough Vitamin D. The article end with a link to the study while saying that "This studpy proves that vitamin D doesn't help against cancer":
1) The study was on elderly women that were not deficient in D
2) The women who got 2000 IU D daily got 30% less cancer
3) This was not statistically significant
That is: Just another liar, and they keep on producing articles like this in every language and hope that you don't check the studies!

Marie and Jenny from the blog Litelyckligare did write the dishonest links, but here you can find the same disinformation in English:

It is good that the Root Cause Protocol explains that you need more than just a lot of vitamin D, but you benefit from 4000-10000 IE per day, even if you can survive on 400 IE per day if you eat well otherwise.

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