A Plea for Action Not Apathy!

4 years ago

Dear _____________________,

I am contacting you because the lockdowns that are being forced upon our citizens are doing more harm than good. If we make a habit of locking down all people for a virus that substantially impacts specific segments of the population (that can be voluntarily and easily isolated), our communities will be in shambles and you will no doubt be voted out of office the next chance we get (if you are not forced to resign first!).

The Covid lockdowns have resulted in excess deaths due to suicide and undiagnosed illnesses (especially in younger people). The lockdowns have had a devastating impact on the economy as tens of thousands of businesses and families have been forced to relocate or close down permanently. Our GDP plummeted to unbelievable, and unsustainable levels. Despite the best efforts of our schools, our students continue to fall further behind, especially in critical areas like reading and math (where so many already struggle). And perhaps most disturbingly of all, our constitutional rights have been infringed and enforced on a completely illogical and inconsistent basis. In some cases there are communities where churches cannot open, but strip clubs are still operating 24/7.

The choice is not easy, but the calculation is simple.


Covid 19 deaths
Crushed economy
Less educated students
Many avoidable deaths (Suicides, undiagnosed illnesses)
Unconstitutional infringements of civil liberties

No lockdowns
Covid 19 deaths
People can voluntarily lockdown if they choose
Civil liberties maintained

I want you to know that I, and many more people like me, are going to keep contacting you relentlessly until the lockdown is either not enforced, reversed entirely or you are removed from office. You have the opportunity to make a decision that will positively impact society as a whole, or to ignore the science, cower to political pressure, and sit idly by while our communities continue to collapse.

Finally, please know that if you do make the right decision, and fight to keep our communities open, you will have my full support in doing so.

Don’t make the EASY decision. Make the RIGHT decision.



https://www.house.gov/representatives - Contact your representative
https://www.usa.gov/state-governor - Contact your Governor
https://www.usmayors.org/mayors/meet-the-mayors/ Contact your Mayor
https://policelocator.com/ - Contact your sheriff/Police chief

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