First FEMA Gasifier Build Video 01 - 12/09/2012

4 years ago

The first time I heard of using wood as a fuel to run a gasoline engine I was fascinated with the thought of having the ability to do this so I studied this topic and then sat down and built a simple FEMA gasifier. It produced usable gas but the downfall of a FEMA gasifier is it doesn't get hot enough to crack the tars in the woodgas which can damage an engine with tar buildup in the valves if it's not filtered carefully. My advise is not to build a FEMA. If this topic interest you There is a much better robust build that produces safe clean woodgas for running engines and I will not only be uploading my newer builds but I will also be showing you how to build gasifiers in detail. The build I am making reference to is a Imbert gasifier designed by a German builder during WW2 when Germany was out of gasoline and they needed an emergency fuel to keep their country going so if this interest you please bookmark this channel and be checking back for updated videos. You can also visit There is also a blog there that you can join where others will help you with any questions you may have.

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