Top Lawyer & Ex-Federal Prosector Sidney Powell said on NewsMax TV “I will Release The Kraken”.

3 years ago


Hello and welcome to ASl Patriot Broadcast!!!
Top Lawyer & Ex-Federal Prosector Sidney Powell said on the New Conservative Media NewsMax TV “I will Release The Kraken”. Some of you probably are wondering what this means. Is it a code word for something? It’s an program called Kraken Botarmy which is an improvement on an older Botarmy named Storm. What is Botarmy? The word Botarmy means there is a large group of computers connected to the internet that work together to spam, or to attack computers. See diagram 1) Spammer's web site (2) Spammer (3) Spamware (4) Infected computers (5) They will send out either Virus or trojan (6) Mail servers such as yahoo, gmail, etc (7) Users get hit (8) Web traffic exposed and it repeats. Let’s look at that. "Storm botnet" had the “Storm Worm” -- a trojan horse that spreads through e-mail -- is used to recruit infected computers (zombies) into the Storm botnet. 2007 was when it was deployed and it infected 1 to 50 million (I know it’s so broad) or 8% of all Microsoft Windows computers. Estimates have the number of zombies to be around 200,000. It is hard for the antivirus program to catch them because for one example, servers controlling the botnet automatically change the software code at pre-determined times to avoid detection by antivirus applications.
The word Kraken means a giant octopus like monster in waters. Now imagine those “arms” of the computers working together. This new BotArmy, named "Kraken," is twice as big as Storm, with over 400,000 targeted victims observed daily as compared to Storm's 200,000 victims. Kraken has gone undetected on 80% of computers with antivirus software installed Now Kraken is rumored to hit over 800,000 computers that are targeted daily. Historically, Botnets were used to send spam, malware, phishing (Stealing your password), then scams. Intel agencies saw a way to use it for intel gathering operations all over the world. Why not try to prevent it, I wondered. Can you? I found this quote from a researcher. “"This is the first time that I can remember ever seeing researchers who were actually afraid of investigating an exploit. Researchers are still unsure if the botnet's defenses and counter attacks are a form of automation, or manually executed by the system's operators. If you try to attach a debugger, or query sites it's reporting to, it knows and punishes you instantaneously. Over at SecureWorks, a botnet DDoS-ed a researcher."” (Elaborate here what he means) I am sure if this is true, then a LOT of FBI workers, politicians that are dirty, and several agencies are sweating right now.

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