JWPP - Sitting is the New Smoking

4 years ago

Jehovah's Witness Protection Program playing "Sitting is the New Smoking".


Sitting is the New Smoking

Sitting is the new smoking
You know, They’re not joking
Sitting is the new smoking
‘Cause if you're sitting
You might as well be smoking

Driving too fast; With your lights off; At night
Running with scissors; In the rain; Around the swimming pool
Unprotected sex; With your neighbor’s wife; In Haiti
Cooking bacon; In the kitchen at the stove; Without a shirt on

Sitting is the new smoking
Stroking is the new poking
Sitting is the new smoking
‘Cause if you're sitting
You might as well be smoking

Driving down the road; With your cell phone; Texting with your mother
Walking ‘cross the street; Without looking; In New Orleans
Laying in the sun; No sunscreen on; At the beach
Walking down the road; Near a construction site; With no shoes on

Here hold my beer
And Sasqwatch This

Driving your bike; With no hands; Going down the stairs
Bathing your cat; In the bathtub; While you’re naked
Saying “WOMAN” to your wife; When she’s mad at you; And she has a knife
Giving a milk bone; To a pit bull; Then taking it away

Sitting is the new smoking
You know, I’m not joking
Sitting is the new smoking
‘Cause if you're sitting
You might as well be smoking

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