Psychopathic globalist agenda to mass genocid under the cover of covid-19

4 years ago

God's messenger

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L20 0YT


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God bless you all much love

Declaration of faith,

I believe that Jesus is God died for all our sins (past present & future) on the cross at Calvary, was buried and on the third day rose again.

I believe in pre trib rapture but in all honesty it doesn't really matter when it is as the Lord will return in his good and perfect timing.

I believe we are saved by grace through faith in christ alone

I strongly believe in the ABC of salvation

A- admit you are a sinner in need of a saviour.
B- believe on the atoning work of Jesus christ and that he died for you.
C- call upon the name of the Lord.

Scriptures to back these up are
A- rom 3-23 & rom 6-23
B- John 6-40
C- Rom 10-9,10

The gosple can be found in 1 corinthians 15:1-4

Ephesians 2-8,10

Saved by grace through faith. It is the gift of God

We must also support isreal genesis 12-3

I believe the kjv. I read the kjv 1611.
The nasb is also ok.

I strongly believe the bible is the true and pure littetal word of God. It is living and Unchangeable.

If you need prayer

God bless you

Accept Jesus before its too late people.

We haven't got long left. Time is short and God's patience is running out.

In luke 21 the Lord told us that ethnicity v ethnicity would be rife and it is.

Stop being sheep to Satan's system
Become sheep of the Lord most high.

The alpha and the omega.

The creator of the heavens and the earth.

The author of our salvation Yeshua ha'mashiac.
Jesus christ.

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