Nihongo no Tane Podcast for Upper Beginner Learners of Japanese にほんごのたね: Ep 1: 自己紹介について

4 years ago

For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions here:

初心者(しょしんしゃ) - beginner [初 (beginning) + 心 (heart; mind) + 者 (person]
中級者(ちゅうきゅうしゃ) - intermediate [中 (middle) + 級 (class; rank; grade) + 者 (person)]
向(む)け - intended for; aimed at [from 向ける (to turn towards; to point)]
繰(く)り返(かえ)し - repetition
自己紹介(じこしょうかい) - self introduction [自己 (self; oneself) + 紹介 (introduction; presentation)]
必(かなら)ず - without fail; always; without exception
頼(たの)まれること - the act of being asked to do something [the こと makes the preceding phrase into a noun phrase: the act of ~]
出身地(しゅっしんち) -birthplace; where you are from [出 (go out; exit) + 身 (somebody) + 地 (land)]
年齢(ねんれい) - age [年 (year) + 齢 (age)]
女性(じょせい) -women [女 (woman; female) + 性 (gender); note, the じょ sound is short]
新聞(しんぶん)に年齢(ねんれい)が載(の)ってたりします - Ages are listed in newspaper (articles)
例文(れいぶん) - example sentence
主婦(しゅふ) - housewife [主 (lord; master) + 婦 (lady; wife); note: both have short vowels]
秘密(ひみつ) - secret

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