Identity Theft On The Utah "Illegal Immigrant List" (KUTV report)

4 years ago

In July a document was illegally released that purported to contain a list of illegal immigrants living in Utah. The list included social security numbers used by individuals to obtain State/Federal benefits. The SSNs were, finally, checked and (all but two) were found to have been stolen or fraudulent. Note, also at the end of the report the acknowledgment that thousands of other SSNs used to get tax-funded benefits are likely stolen/false and nothing is being done about those, either.

Right now, it looks like the government (State and Federal) will go after the lists leakers but will give the identity thieves and document fraud perpetrators a pass. That also implies the the victims (often children) of the identity theft will also not be informed that their numbers have been compromised.

Written report available at:

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