Free Speech Online (Rumble/Parler) Panel Discussion ~ The Liberty Forum ~ 11-10-2020

4 years ago

The Battle For Free Speech Online
A report from the front lines

John Matze CEO, Parler

Jeffrey Wernick COO, Parler

Chris Pavlovski CEO, Rumble

Astonishing: the election that took place this past Tuesday is not over. We don't know who won.

This is due at least in part to wide-scale censorship of conservative voices by social media titans such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube (Google). They have suppressed discussion of corruption and possible multi-state vote fraud before, during, and after the election.

We knew that this censorship could affect the outcome of the 2020 elections, but this is beyond all expectation.

We can now appreciate with fresh perspective how essential free-market competition is in ensuring free debate and the free flow of ideas. A handful of startups are challenging the dominance of these left-leaning tech titans, offering alternative platforms with free-speech guarantees.

Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley proudly presents the leaders of two such startups, Parler and Rumble, to report from the front lines in the battle between free speech and tech tyranny, Tuesday, November 10.

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