The Clinton's Body Count, Anthony Weiner's Laptop and Frazzledrip

3 years ago

Proverbs 28:5
Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it completely.

Who has gotten "suicided" by the Clinton's? Well, as we'll dive into: 9 out of 12 people that have seen Anthony Weiner's laptop for starters, as well as a compilation of over 50 people since the 1990s that have worked with the Clinton's. Ever heard of Frazzledrip? The sinister workings run deep.

Links for reference:

9 Out Of 12 People Who Saw Anthony Weiner's Laptop Are Dead — News From The Perimeter

Liz Crokin on Weiner's 'Life Insurance' Files

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known | Fox News

#hillaryclinton #BillClinton #clintonfoundation #anthonyweiner #anthonyweinerlaptop #christianity #christian #conspiracytheory #msm #mainstreammedia #coverup #elites #satanic #satanism #newworldorderagenda #newworldorder #paganrituals #wikileaks

Music: Autolife
Musician: Hard Fact

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