Coronavirus a hoax? The media are pigs. And the New World Order.

4 years ago

Psalm 107:20
He sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.

When the leaders are out to distract, discredit, dismiss and to destroy, who do you turn to? When the most powerful are playing a game of seek and destroy, what is your weapon against them? It can seem so hopeless, but I am willing to bet our knowledge is key. The more we understand our enemy, the better we are equipped to stand up against it. This isn’t just an issue on our civil liberty, but also battle of good versus evil.

COVID 19 isn't the first pandemic of its' kind, not even close. But it is the first time a virus has been weaponized against us, at least within the 21st century. Today we are battling some truly invisible forces, and our voice is our greatest power. We must work on projecting the truth.

#christianity #christian #conspiracytheory #covid #covid19 #Coronavirus #election #electionyear #donaldtrump #msm #mainstreammedia #hoax #billgates #billandmelindagatesfoundation #vaccine #vax #antivax #coverup #AI #AItesting #elites #microchip

Music: Shanhai
Musician: FOREVERT

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