You're not as Powerless as you Might Think!

4 years ago

Hey guys, I don't normally do social commentary, I don't normally have much to say about anything outside of my interests, but I've been profoundly disturbed by the apparent mass censorship going on around the world right now. And I just wanted to remind you all that you aren't, yet, completely powerless. Mainstream Socialmedia has been programming you to believe that you need them to go viral. It's just NOT true. As little as 1-2 decades ago things went viral WITHOUT the use of Social Media, we have somehow forgotten that fact!
2000 years ago a small handfull of fishermen and tradesmen thumped the world with the message of the gospel, which spread through the ancient world like wildfire! Christianity went on to become the dominant religion in the West for almost 2000 years. This was achieved WITHOUT social media. 2 decades ago things like the Numanuma Dance, Star Wars Kid, Salad fingers, you name it, the viral videos of the good old early 2000s, these went viral because people watched them and enjoyed them enough to SHARE them with their friends. They didn't use a share button. They didn't pay for views. They didn't woke down their message to appease the SJW crowd, no they simply told their friends about it, or they opened up their emails and pasted links. If something was good enough or relevant enough it went viral. Whether social justice warriors liked it or not, things went viral simply because people shared them in the good old fashioned way of word of mouth.
I think it's strange that in society we're told that organic is good and yet no one applies that rule to sharing content. Organic growth, in my opinion, is real growth. Don't rely on Socialmedia platforms to make it possible for you to get the word out. Do it despite them!

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