China's Orwellian Nightmare - 1984 Arrives in 2020 as UN Agenda 21/2030

4 years ago

⁣The complex scenario depicted within in this video (originally snagged from RFK Jr.'s IG account during "Lockdown I") is a true segment sampled from real life.

Now playing in Communist China (the NWO's beta testing ground), rapidly spreading through certain parts of Europe/UK, and on its way to the USA!

Coming soon: Prison camps! (cue fanfare... & gas/incineration chambers? 🔥🤔)

As of this moment (November 2020), many parts of Europe & the UK are already "enjoying" Lockdown II, with Canada & New Zealand already in their "Covid Camp" phase as some residents have now been interned in various types of “quarantine” containment facilities:

⁣• "Manitoba's SECRET COVID-19 camp: what's going on here?” -


Although this particular video does not cover footage from any of China's own internment camps, they do exist and (when one looks carefully) some photographic/video evidence may easily found be found in relation to such around the web.

Hint #1: Type keywords into search engines provided by companies that will respect your privacy & deliver unbiased/unfunded results.

Hint #2 - DO NOT use Google (or any Google products––including YouTube).

Hint #3: If you are subscribed to a non-logging VPN service, please be sure to use it.

Internment facilities & related transport mechanisms have existed in the USA for more than a decade, simply awaiting the rise of an ideal opportunity/willing regime. Just check out the propaganda machine, churning out slogans to the tune of "Solidarity" and other aspects of virtue signalling which seem to be spreading throughout the world at warp speed. Don't believe me? Listen to the politicians, especially those most recently calling for "unity" amongst all people "post election" (so long as their candidate ends up winning––otherwise, CHAOS). What of the nonsense surrounding former-VP Joseph Biden & Senator Kamala Harris & their “projected win” of the USA Election? What's the deal with the premature “President Elect” charade being perpetrated, along with a steady stream of rhetoric now perpetuated ad nauseam by legacy & Big Tech media––in addition to their very own political bedfellows, paid shills, & indoctrinated cult of blind devotees?

The "End Game" will not be pretty, as more horrible nonsense arrived right here in the UK just the other day as a new law was introduced to make organ donation compulsorty (unless one chooses to"opt out" via legal means prior to their passing over).
More details to be shared on that later, most likely via @DarkStardust accounts on Parler/Twitter...

It’s all a PSYOP, and the end game is full implementation of an elaborate ‘1984’ infrastructure for all by the year 2030 ––AS IN THIS VIDEO.

How’s that Victory Gin tasting now? 🍸

Please check out these links for more information on #TheGreatReset & #NewWorldOrder, as outlined in accordance with the World Economic Forum (& also straight from the horse's mouth):

• "World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ Plan for Big Food Benefits Industry, Not People” -

• World Economic Forum “predictions” (directly from the horse’s mouth) for 2030-

Still thirsty?
Here’s a taste of what’s to come just after “Lockdown III"

• “We Have A List” -

• "All Roads Lead to Dark Winter" -

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