A natural treatment based on personal experience to regrow hair and fill in voids in a short time

4 years ago

Benefits of ginger for hair:

Ginger is one of the best substances that can be used for hair growth, by treating some hair problems, as follows:

Prevents hair loss; By nourishing and strengthening hair follicles, as it contains vitamins, phosphorous, potassium, and magnesium.
Controls dandruff; It contains antimicrobials, which remove dead skin cells that clog the follicle pores and lead to hair loss.
A natural conditioner for hair, as it works to restore moisture in the hair, as dry hair is prone to breakage.
Makes hair grow faster; By stimulating the blood circulation in the follicles, which means that they receive the food that strengthens them.
Ensures healthy hair. Because it contains chains of fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, which nourish and strengthen hair.

How to use ginger on hair:

Some are confused about the use of ginger for hair, as the question arises as to which is better to use fresh ginger, or to use ginger powder, and it is up to the person himself to do that As fresh contains essential elements beneficial to hair more than powder, and some ginger powder products may contain coloring materials that may leave a yellow color on light hair.

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