20 Min Vedic Meditation Waterfall Sounds Peter Vroom TheResoluteMind.com

4 years ago

Learn an effortless practice with Peter Vroom of The Resolute Mind. Vedic Meditation is probably the best meditation practice in the world:

I start you off on a 20 minute Vedic Meditation bringing you out at 20 plus 2 minutes of eyes closed no mantra cool down. Instruction is given at each important point along the way including to open the eyes so you can let go completely.

20 minutes is the ideal amount of time for Vedic Meditation however something is better than nothing so if you don't have 20 minutes there are shorter meditations below.

15 Minute Vedic Meditation with waterfall sounds:
10 Minute Vedic Meditation with waterfall sounds:

In this video there is a background noise of a waterfall. There are also 10/15/20 minute Vedic Meditations with no background sounds.
20 Minute Vedic Meditation No Background Sounds:
15 Minute Vedic Meditation No Background Sounds:
10 Minute Vedic Meditation No Background Sounds:

Website: http://TheResoluteMind.com
How I think: https://steemit.com/@petervroom
Meditations On Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/theresolutemin...
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Meditationth...

As always contact me if you have any questions about your practice.

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