2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud Compilation

3 years ago

The mainstream media tells that Joe Biden has won the presidency and are calling him President-Elect, but of course that is propaganda because the media does not decide the election. The cases of voter fraud are so rampant in so many states that it is uttery obvious to anyone who isn't brainwashed. President Trump was winning in a landslide on election night, so the democrats had to pull out all the stops to get the outcome they wanted. They have long been registering dead people to vote, busing people to multiple precincts to vote multiple times, getting illegals to vote, etc. But for the first time in history, they were able to get multiple states to stop counting votes and go home. Then they used the same strategy in multiple states of bringing in ballots around 4am that went 100% for Biden and none for any other candidate. This will be their downfall. Not to mention them keeping GOP poll watchers from witnessing the vote counting, having USPS workers backdate ballots, or the Dominion software that gave Trump votes to Biden in several states. Trump will win in court and be re-elected to a second term. Then the Dems will resume their rioting. Be ready.

00:00 Poll supervisor, registered democrat
00:48 Same man, outside
01:00 Boarded up windows in Michigan 1
01:20 Boarded up windows in Michigan 2
01:42 Inspector not allowed in Philadelphia
02:16 Angry poll counter throws out ballot
02:49 Burning Trump votes
04:00 Woman finds box with 500 unregistered ballots
04:48 Poll worker finds manipulated data
06:27 Dead people vote?
07:42 Man thrown out of polling location
08:46 Defying court order to let polling be monitored
10:49 Vote fraud scheme in Michigan, Detroit
11:33 PragerU explains Ballot harvesting
13:06 Steven Bannon on FOX news setting the stage for Joe Biden takeover
15:26 Joe Biden admits to voter fraud

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