Patriots Of Arizona Organized Trump2020 Caravan MAGA Rally. VD George Nemeh Biggest Caravan in d USA

4 years ago

MAAP Real Talk Show + Media. MAAP'S Film Productions. (Coverage) 96 miles caravan the biggest in the nation 20.000 attendees.

Oct 25th 2020 #Patriots Of #Arizona. #Trump2020 #MAGA/#Police #Caravan. #maapmedia #maaprealtalkshow #patriotsofarizona #leadright #trumpcaravan #nintysixmiles #adot #arizonatrump #rally #drawyourownconlcusions #likeitis #georgenemeh #96miles #biggestnationaly #cars #flags #wavingflags #politicians #youtube

Oct 25th 2020 Patriots Of Arizona. Trump MAGA/Police Caravan.
This was a historical event organized by Patriots Of Arizona. Principal and founder Chelsi Reynolds. Trump biggest MAGA/ Blue Line Caravan in Arizona and on the National Stage in the US.
HUGE 96 Miles of vehicles according to ADOT. MAAP Media has amazing footage full throttle episode coming up to you in 4 days. It’s worth the wait.
No words to describe this event and the enormous passion displayed everywhere. Keep up the great work America the best place on earth.
Please, subscribe to our YouTube channel and click LIKE here on Facebook fan page. Please go out and vote it’s our duties as an American citizens of this country. Cheers, George Nemeh.
Images by George Nemeh + MAAP REAL TALK SHOW + MEDIA.
#jerrysheridan #merissahamilton #jayeflash #brainmorris #chelsireynolds
Huge Rally for sure!
Guest Speakers
MC Brain Morris
Sermon Prayer Robert Ray Romero
First Speaker Jaye Flash
Conservatives speaker on YouTube Instagram ajayeflash1 twitter ajayeflash1.
Second Speaker Merissa Hamilton Running For Mayor Of Phoenix, Arizona
Third Speaker Jerry Sheridan Running For Maricopa County Sheriff.
Star Alliance Band
Chelsi Reynolds Founder
Volunteers are Tina T + Theresa P
George Nemeh Film Productions #filmdocumentary
#president #donaldjtrump #magacountry #az
MAAP Real Talk Show Copyright2020
All Rights Reserved.

Chelsi Reynolds wrote the following before the day of the event prepping everyone....Here are the rules and locations.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Updates have been made- we info and maps have been updated to old posts as well! We added an after party location due to high demand!!
Please save new maps on your phone! And we updated the flyer to share as well with more information!!

At the WEST Staging :
Lake Pleasant Road and the 74!
West Staging close by Wild Horse West (see attached maps) dirt lots right by it. See map attached.
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️Please DO NOT PARK AT WILD HORSE WEST!!
This is the PRE PARTY location!
Get there between 7:00am and 8:00 to get a good parking spot and don't miss these amazing speakers, the food trucks and vendors that we have set up to you guys!!
WEST is the place to be!!
We would hope to get everyone at the main WEST staging area. That way we start strong and can get a lot of amazing pictures, drone footage and meet each other!
There will be amazing Guest Speakers, Trump merchandise Vendors, Music, Food Trucks and Port a potties available.
Be in your cars ready to go by 12:15!!
We will leave the west side to meet up with east side at 12:30.
We are doing a PRE PARTY and a party AND The AFTER PARTY at Dillon's Western Trails Ranch
(same as last weekend)
37839 W Grand Ave, Morristown, AZ 85342.
Please see map for exact directions on the route!
You don't have to go to the AFTER PARTY, once we hit the I-10 you can continue to the AZ LOOP 101 NORTH to compete your loop and You may leave the loop when you are ready to exit to go home:)

At the EAST Staging location:
We understand you all in the EAST want something closer to we made that happen, we will have vendors at the east location as well and a food truck or two (hopefully) You will leave around 115-130 to meet with us.
East location will stage at Fiesta Mall SW Corner in front of DICKS SPORTING GOODS and wait for main train to make their way to you. You will have helpers at all locations. They will let you know when you follow them to meet the train! Follow the person in front of you, and caravan through the valley.
You don't have to go to the AFTER PARTY, once we hit the I-10 you can continue to the AZ LOOP 101 NORTH to compete your loop and You may leave the loop when you are ready to exit to go home:)

Please if you have questions, ask them in this post! Please don't message us as someone will have the same answer as you and they will be able to see it here and get their question answered 🙂
DPS and ADOT Regulations will be posted in a few days regarding speeds, proper lane and etiquette:)
Vendors have to be approved! You cannot setup without getting approved! We do not have space for anymore vendors. Sorry guys!
#georgenemeh #trump2020 #donaldjtrump #president #rally #support
MAAP MEDIA + Producer Director Host George B. Nemeh
MAAP Real Talk Show Copyright2020
All Rights Reserved.

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