Show Me Who You Are - Christi Bauerlee Official Music Video

4 years ago

I wrote this song because a friend of mine was turning 30 and she thought her life was over! She wasn't married, didn't have kids and god forbid she was turning 30! It really upset me. Can I just tell you, that AFTER she turned 30, she met the man of her dreams, she has two beautiful children and her dream job! HER LIFE WAS JUST BEGINNING! THIS inspired me to write this song.

I want to create a movement here! I'd love to put an end to this obsession some have in our society with "what size you need to be" or "HOW OLD you need to be"... One too many times I've seen people put aside their dreams because they were too old!!! DON'T!! Success comes at any age, at any size, whether in career, relationship, creating your own personal goals, whatever!!! Let me use the music business as an example! The music business is obsessed with the age of artists. Executives feel there's a need to put a cap on how old you need be in order to be a successful artist in their eyes. How many of you have ever searched for a song or artist by age group? Prob never right? Or have you ever heard a song you loved and realized you couldn't buy it because the artist was a certain age? Ridiculous right?! PRIME EXAMPLE: SUSAN BOYLE

People need to celebrate who they are and run with it! DON'T let anything get in your way. If you're 30, 40 or 50? Well, you have the next 30 to 40 years to live that dream or go back to school and get that job, so why limit yourself or stop now??! COME ON!! SHOW ME WHO YOU ARE!
Written by: Christi Bauerlee & Sandy Ramos

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