A natural mask to treat acne & melasma & get rid of them permanently & reduce their spread

4 years ago

A mixture of honey, cinnamon and nutmeg is used as a mask for treating acne, because of its effective capabilities in reducing inflammation, preventing the spread of pimples, and its ability to treat the skin to appear healthy.

Tips to get rid of acne for oily skin:

You must first take care of the skin well before applying any treatment to it by cleaning the skin, cleansing it, moisturizing it, and maintaining a balanced nutrition, and here are some important tips to get rid of acne, including:

Cleaning and disinfection: This is done through:

Use a mild soapy detergent that does not contain sodium laureth sulfate foam.
Wash the face morning and evening, and after sweating with lukewarm water using fingertips, and not more than that.
Avoid cleansers that contain oils, as they do not add oil to the skin.
Use an oil-free moisturizer.
Continuous peeling of the skin.
Not to mess with blisters.
Avoid touching the affected area excessively to prevent bacterial infection.

Maintaining the diet: The diet should be maintained through the following:

Have plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially foods rich in vitamin C, E, and A. Their food sources include cabbage, spinach, kale, sweet potatoes, mangoes, melons, and others.
Eat foods rich in zinc, as scientists have proven that zinc is an essential mineral with antioxidant properties and contributes to protecting body cells from damage caused by bacteria and viruses, and scientists have proven that eating zinc from food sources contributes to treating acne, and these sources include oysters, shrimp and sunflower seeds Pumpkin, beans, mushrooms and more.
Take vitamin A, as studies have shown that those who suffer from acne may be deficient in vitamin A, which is a vitamin that has anti-inflammatory properties and maintains the balance of body hormones and can reduce the secretion of oils, and this element is found in carrots, green leafy vegetables, yellow and orange fruits.
Increase your intake of vitamin C, which improves the speed of healing by helping to produce collagen. It is a protein used in the restoration of skin tissues and wound healing. It is found in citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, pomelia, and grapefruit, and it can also be taken as a food supplement.

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