How Pursanova Technology Ensures Produce Freshness

4 years ago

Case Study (experiment) of Pursanova Water Technology effects on Produce Freshness [Food]

In this experiment, the orange soaked in Pursanovaâ„¢ water remained its freshness for 6 months in the room temperature. This result was positively overwhelming to us. What originally was tap water, which was processed through PursaLexâ„¢, was conditioned and provided us with astonishing experiment result.
Freshness preservation method normally would be to disinfect the surface and remove/disinfect bacteria. And usually for disinfection, orange producers would either use acid water, ozone-water and or liquid sodium hypochlorite. No matter which type of disinfection methods are used for oranges, the orange cells will eventually deteriorate and cannot maintain its freshness for more than a month or two. However, Pursanova water did not disinfect the orange cells but rather, it seemed like the orange cells were rejuvenated by Pursanova water. The orange surface did not leak out its moisture or the nutrition and this protected itself from bacterial infestation. As a result, the orange ended up lasting for 6 months... edible condition for 6 months in a room temperature!

Bacteria usually cannot survive without 3 key elements: "air, water, and nutrition". Both oranges soaked in tap water and Pursanova water should have had airborne bacteria adhered onto its surface. The non processed orange just simply shriveled since bacteria could not infest on the surface without water. (This is exactly like the dried fruits.)

This explanation could be applied to human skin. If we are healthy and have a strong immune system, then our body will be able to better resist sickness. Pursanova water will rejuvenate and energize our skin cells that its innate self-healing ability is automatically improved! Our skin, just like you have seen in the orange experiment, will stay plump and moist. Moisture will be trapped inside. It could potentially have anti-itch effect because of the improved skin moisture (a protective moisture vale due to increased water content of the skin cells.)

You can see that Pursanova water has astonishing revitalizing effect on oranges and all other creatures. We have yet to see or hear any similar results. You don't need to believe what we say; you can see it for yourself!

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