A Change in Mindset November 10, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

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A Change in Mindset November 10, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

Of all the things I have in my arsenal of "Wake Them Up" observations, the one that seems to catch in the minds and heart of people all over the world is simply this ---- why are you being terrorized by your own employees?

These people are on your payroll. So how is it, that you are living in fear of your employees and taking orders from them, instead of them taking their orders from you?

My Mother used to call such a situation "bassackwards".

The tail is wagging the dog. The framework of things is upside down.

The public employees are defining their own job duties, specifying what they will do, how they will do it, how much they will do, how much they will charge, and fighting among themselves for a bigger piece of the pie, right in front of our noses.

It's like we, the Employers, aren't even in the room, aren't part of the equation.

There's a reason for that. Our government hasn't been in Session for decades.
So our employees kinda-sorta forgot about our existence, grabbed the bit in their teeth, and have been running the show without us --- at our expense.

Along the way, many of our public employees have become arrogant and crooked and abusive. Entire subcontracting "Agencies" have gone rogue and had their job duties redefined by political party hacks in ways that completely invalidate their role.

The U.S. Marshals advertise that their mandate is to uphold the Constitutions, but in actual fact, when you call upon them to protect you and your guarantees, they will tell you that isn't their job.

The FBI doesn't prosecute money laundering, counterfeiting, interstate bank fraud, or human trafficking. If you ask them, they will tell you that they don't do that and they don't know who does.

The CIA thinks that its role is to lie to everyone about everything all the time. They even brag about their primary role as disinformation agents, "merchants of doubt" and purveyors of confusion. They go around the country to police academies teaching courses on "How to Lie". No joke.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/11/a-change-in-mindset.html

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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