Johnny montana Live From New York City

4 years ago

America Is At War! Communist China Is In The Process of Overthrowing the United States & Installing a Puppet Government ! What a Plan !! If they Let him Win they all go to Jail !! All of them they are fighting for there life's !!! Wake up !!! #obamagateexposed⚖️⚡️ ⚖️⚡️ #defundthefbi #trump2020🇺🇸 #fuckchina🇨🇳🖕 #fuckthelites #johnnymontanathemovie #johnny #enegry #lovewins❤ #directorslife #freeklyerittenhouse #maga2020 #bringinmilitaryhelicopters #stopchildtrafficking #voterfraud #democrats #brooklyn #alllivesmatter✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #fuckblmmovement #defundthemedia

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