Dell Vostro 200, 410, and HP Prodesk 405 m1 gt better pc

4 years ago

I am starting to show how well these “good” PC’s
work and the positive along with negative of
these computers over the years. First I will
start by showing how these new “E” computers
or Electronic Google type computers are not
worth buying.
The Prodesk 405 HP is suppose to be an
advanced computer tower, but it’s built more
like a chrome book unless I can at least upgrade
the video card. The CPU is maxed out that is
also built into the mother board. For a computer
that was built around 2013 it should have a 3.0 GHz processor. Adding more RAM memory
cards will not help the lacking built in Processor.
even though the Prodesk has slots for an advanced video card, the system does not seem
to be able to help it since all the CPU is not strong enough to delegate power to the Video Card to
live in harmony.
This is an intro video. My next upload will be using the Prodesk with the built in graphics card.

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