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Modern Day Creation Story and the BIBLE GOT IT RIGHT
...... In the year 2020, modern science maintains that 13.6 Billion years ago, all space, time, matter and energy exploded on the scene, and between, 10 to the minus 36 seconds, and 10 to the minus 33 seconds, a period of rapid, exponential expansion occurred, which Allen Guth called Inflation. In fact, the expansion was so extensive, that a point smaller than an atom, grew to a size "much larger" than the observable universe, in a trillionth, of a trillionth, of a trillionth of a second, second after the Big Bang. See short video clip here. Because of some of the problems, with the Big Bang theory (like the flatness problem, and the horizon problem to name a few) Allen Guth Proposed the Inflation Theory as a solution, and it is the Inflationary--Big Bang model today that most cosmologists hold to. So, very early in the universe, something beyond the physics we know today happened—and again, according to the video clip, all of space, time, energy and matter, expanded from an infinitesimal small singularity, to the size of our known universe. Sounds a lot like Genesis Chapter 1 and verse 3, AND GOD SAID… and Genesis chapter 1 and verse 1 IN THE BEGINNING GOD. Our universe appeared--because any observer besides the creator, would not be able to distinguish between the sudden appearance of something, compared to a universe that began the size smaller than an atom, and grew to a size "much larger" than then known universe, in a trillionth, of a trillionth, of a trillionth of a second. Yet cosmologists, and astrophysicists of today by and large accept this idea.
...... Now, even more mystery is added to the puzzle, because; First the universe expands exponentially to the size of the known universe, in a very small amount of time; Second, in comparison to the Inflation Phase, the universe comes to an almost complete stop—and we do not know what stopped this exponential expansion, nor how long it took; and third, today, not only is the universe expanding, it is expanding at an accelerated rate—after slowing down first.
So, why and how, the exponential Inflation phase? Then the astronomical slow down in speed—even if it took 300 Million years to do it? And lastly, the universe kept expanding, and is now expanding at an accelerated rate? So what part of the BIG BANG, seems to follow the physics we know? In other words, what part of the Big Bang seems to be a purely “natural” materialistic BIG BANG phenomena? Yet this is the accepted model in 2020. Allen Guth himself talks about the Big Bang, in this short video clip just ahead—and he is referencing the Microwave Background Radiation, which is the heat left over from, the Big Bang. What is so fascinating about the Microwave Background Radiation is its astronomical, and unbelievable temperature difference across the universe.
...... The BANG, of The Big Bang, was so uniform, that it only varied by 1/50,000 of only one degree, across the entire universe. In the clip Allen Guth explains, no known “NATURAL” explosion (Allen Guth is a Materialist) that we know of is so uniform—either in its temperature range, or distribution of matter—and he gives several examples of other explosions in the clip. See the video clip here: Does this sound like a Natural Explosion, or a “controlled” demolition so to speak? So why accept the Microwave Background Radiation at all? See video clip by Brian Cox: What is even more surprising to me, is that the cosmology of toady, actually contemplates ideas that actually invalidates one of the most valued beliefs in the past, and adds an exception to make this “violation” possible. To start off with, watch this short video clip:
....... So according to Albert Einstein, no “thing,” nothing made of matter, not even the smallest particles can travel faster than the speed of light. As any matter travels closer and closer, to the speed of light, its mass become infinite. Furthermore, Just a few decades ago, all anyone really knew about the Universe, is that it was expanding. What they did not know was:
1) The universe is expanding, but slowing down leading to a big crunch, because all of the matter in the universe was pulling in on each other by gravity, and slowly halting the expansion of the universe.
2) The universe is expanding, but at a steady pace—no force needed
3) The universe is expanding, but at an accelerated rate, leading to the Heat Death of the Universe, and a forever expanding universe.
...... Well as it turns out, number 3 appears to be the winner, yet this has raised eyebrows in the scientific community. The discovery of an accelerating universe in the late 1990s by a group of scientists, has rocked the world of cosmology. Why? The Physics we know. Even in the vacuum of space, all accelerating bodies require a force be applied for the acceleration to continue. E.g. If you want your space craft to accelerate from 3000 miles per hour, to 4000 miles per hour it needs more and more energy. Once you arrive at your intended speed, simply remove the energy, and you will coast at 4000 miles an hour (an example of #2 above, a universe expanding at a steady pace—no force needed). Well, if the Big Bang occurred 13.6 Billion Years ago—what is causing this acceleration of the universe today? (By the way—there may be another possible answer to the accelerating universe that I will mention but this is NOT my argument in this article, and that is that the universe could be much, much younger than believed, and still in the acceleration phase of an exploding singularity. AGAIN, THIS IS NOT MY ARGUMENT IN THIS ARTICLE, but a very real possibility).
...... At any rate, today in 2020, scientists call the enigmatic force that is stretching out the universe, Dark Energy, and this sentence contains a clue which I will explain shortly. Today in 2020, it’s a purely materialistic concept, and they have NO IDEA what Dark Energy is, even though they propose that it makes up 70 percent of our universe. So, an unknown mysterious force is acting on our universe, to accelerate it; in fact, this acceleration is causing galaxies that are at the edge of our field of view of the known universe, to accelerate away from us faster than the speed of light—seeming to violate Einstein’s rule that no matter in the universe can break the speed of light barrier. So what is a good cosmologist—a surprised, and befuddled cosmologist—to do? I know, lets carve out an exception to Einstein’s rule that matter in the universe cannot travel faster than the speed of light. More precisely, even though the galaxies at the edge of our field of view seem to be traveling away from us at the speed of light, they are NOT. Instead, there is a very awesome, strange, and mysterious force in the universe (the materialist scientists have dubbed Dark Energy) and this mysterious force is stretching the space between the galaxies. See this short video:
...... In other words, the galaxies, are technically NOT moving at all. It is the FABRIC of space itself that today is being stretched, and it is being stretched so fast, that the galaxies further from our field of view are flying away from us faster than the speed of light. In 2020 they estimate that 70 percent of our Universe is made up of this Dark Energy. Now please understand this, this means that this enormous stretching is creating MORE SPACE where there was no space before. More space, which is NOT NOTHING, but is being stretched into NOTHING, where NOTHING here means the classical term for nothing.
( Psalms Chapter 4 verse 2 NIV “The LORD wraps himself in light as with a garment;
he stretches out the heavens like a tent)
Isaiah Chapter 40 verse 22 KJV..... It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers, who stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in,
Job Chapter 9 verse 8 NIV He alone stretches out the heavens
and treads on the waves of the sea.)
Question: how could sheep herders, in the Land of Israel some 3600 years ago know something about the universe—that modern science did not know until the late 1990s?
....... Another conundrum created by this situation is our own galaxy. If the fabric of space is being stretched, how come the space within our galaxy between the planets is not affected? Why does the stuff inside the galaxy stay together at a constant distance, but the space between the galaxies is stretching out continually? In fact, another mystery that cosmologists have recently found, concerns the observable matter (planets, stars etc.) and the spin of our galaxy around the black hole in the middle. By mathematical calculations, and observation, the planets on the outer edge of our galaxy, should by all rights, be flung out into space, much like a kid on the outer edge of a merry-go-round. Scientists have calculated that there is NOT enough “regular matter” to create enough “gravity” to hold the planets and stars in their places. See this short video:
......So, how to solve this conundrum—and of course keep our materialistic only world view--we need to propose another unknown galaxy wide binding force (by the way, the antithesis of Dark Energy, which is stretching the universe apart) and this time we will call it Dark Matter. Why Dark Matter, because everyone knows, that from a purely materialistic point of view, the only thing that could possibly exist to bind the galaxies together is some type of unknown matter, to create enough gravity, to bind the galaxy together, but today in 2020 we can’t see it, can’t feel it, can’t detect it, and can’t measure it. All we see are the effects of an unknown force holding our galaxy together. See these two short video clips:
....... Today, in 2020, cosmologists estimate that Dark Energy makes up about 70 percent of our universe, Dark Matter makes up about 25 percent, and only 5 percent of our universe is made up of the stuff we can see with our eyes, or even measure. Think of that, today in 2020, it seems as if we are going a bit backward? We only know what makes up 5 percent of our universe. Another question about Dark Matter Particles—why is there NO apparent Dark Matter between the Galaxies holding the Galaxies together? I mean if it truly is just a particle that we have not yet discovered, what is keeping it confined inside the galaxies, if the galaxies are surrounded by nothing but empty space? Like a gas, filling every part of a closed container, if Dark Matter is simply a particle we cannot detect, then Dark Matter should even out, and fill the closed system our Universe appears to be, and bind everything together—NOT JUST GALAXY SIZE OBJECTS. Also, it’s the nature of the opposing two unknown forces we call Dark Energy, and Dark Matter, that has me really intrigued. Watch this short video:
....... So the force we call Dark Matter—is our friend, because it makes galaxy formation possible, and is a galaxy wide cohesive force, keeping the planets and stars in their places. Colossians Chapter 1 verses 16 and 17 AMP
16 For [d]by Him all things were created in heaven and on earth, [things] visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him [that is, by His activity] and for Him. 17 And He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. [His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe.]
[Jesus] is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe.
...... But on the other hand, thanks to an unknown force they call Dark Energy, the entire universe is being stretched at an accelerated rate, ultimately ending in the Big Rip, if the process of energy consumption, and the running down of the universe is not halted.
...... These are mysteries probably left for future generations to solve, but I must admit as a Theist, how the Apostle Paul in the Land of Israel 2000 years ago could say that “in Him [Jesus] all things hold together,” is a mind boggling testimony of God’s word. Praise Jesus
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