The Soon To Be Worst Selling Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition Ever

4 years ago

In this segment, Neeley and Chris talk about Bret Michaels' daughter Raine being in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition for 2019. They look over her photos and think that while she's a pretty girl, she only got the job in SI because of her famous father. This leads them to analyze the new issue, which also features a morbidly obese woman and a woman in a burkini. The guys think this will be the worst selling Swimsuit Edition in Sports Illustrated History.

They they transition to a story about former Sex Pistols mainman Johnny Rotten complaining about the homeless problem that's taking place right in his yard and neighborhood.

Finally, Neeley has an update on Tesla Car Company owner Elon Musk and the lawsuit brought against him by a diver whom Musk called a "pedo" on social media several times.

**NOTE: Sorry for the audio this week. We are using new software and still working out a few bugs.**

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