Patrice Peris-Divided

4 years ago

Original song by Patrice Peris featuring Kristina Danga.

Co-written and produced by Jared Hancock of Surefire Creative Studios.

"This song has been in the works for a few years now. It all came about when I went to the studio one day and was feeling completely frustrated with the current scene and presented a bunch of lyrics I had written about it to my producer. From there, everything fell into place and the rest was history," Peris states. When discussing the meaning behind the lyrics she says, "This song is about both sadness and hope. Though I touched on hypocrisy as the theme behind the lyrics, it is not a jab at any party, but just addresses emotions and problems in the overall scene from politics to certain institutions, and in recent events has only become more relevant... however, it is also about my hope for the future. I truly believe that hope and love are the two most powerful emotions that will help us overcome all hate."

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