A Caravan Of Illegal Immigrants Is Bound For The US Border

3 years ago

Originally published on Apr 3, 2018
A Caravan Of Illegal Immigrants Is Bound For The US Border is about how a caravan of illegal immigrants is bound for the US border. Approximiately 1200 illegal immigrants are traveling through Mexico and the group is growing larger by the day. They are marching under the name "Migrantes el la lucha" which translates to "Migrants in the Fight." They are being assisted by several groups. One group is "Groupos Beta," which translates to "Beta Groups" and is a Mexican government entity. Another group, "Pueblo Sin Fronteras" which translates to "People Without Borders". is a "humanitarian group."
Buzzfeed is marching with the group. A Buzzfeed article stated
""Honduras currently has one of the highest murder rates in the world, and the December reelection of its president, Juan Orlando Hernández, was met with days of violent protest and allegations of voter fraud.

“If this caravan bothers him, then it also bothers me that he supported people like Juan Orlando who oppresses the people, destroys the economy of the country, and creates a humanitarian crisis," Irineo Mujica, director of Pueblos Sin Fronteras, told BuzzFeed News. "We didn’t create that humanitarian crisis. They want to stop the humanitarian crisis how? Stopping these people? The crisis is in Honduras, and he was part of the chaos that occurred in the country.”

US support for Hernandez didn't begin with Trump: President Barack Obama's administration also backed the leader, viewing allegations of domestic corruption and abuse as secondary to his willingness to cooperate with the United States on security issues. In 2013, then–secretary of state John Kerry congratulated Hernandez on his first victory. The US currently provides aid to Honduras through various initiatives.

The caravan has received widespread attention through reports from BuzzFeed News' Adolfo Flores as he travels with the group as it heads north through Mexico toward the border. About two thirds of the roughly 1,200-person caravan plans to either seek asylum or cross the US-Mexico border undetected, and another third intend to stay in Mexico.

In a statement, Pueblos Sin Fronteras said most of the migrants in the caravan will turn themselves into US Customs and Border Protection or remain in Mexico. Many of the refugees are still undecided about what they will do once they are near the border.

"Although some of the participants may choose to cross the US border undetected, it would only be as a result of the unjust, politicized, and racist application of US asylum laws that would discourage them," Pueblos Sin Fronteras said. "We believe they all should be given a real opportunity to seek asylum in the country of their choice, in this case Mexico or the US.""

When President Trump signed the 2,232 page 1.6 Trillion Omnibus last week that barely anyone was able to read, Trump along with many American voters affected by the rampant flow of drugs and illegal immigration were upset. Many had hoped for more funding for the border wall. The budget included a mere 1.6 Billion of the needed 25 Billion. And as Rand Paul tweeted plenty of funds went to wasteful spending. As you read this a caravan of 1,200 mainly Honduran migrants are heading toward the US border in the hopes of benefiting from of the catch and release program where they will be released into the United States while they await for their court hearings.

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