Pa' Todo Seasoning - Grilled Chicken Breasts at the SAPO BBQ Corral

4 years ago

I tested the brand new rub Pa' Todo Seasoning from Rio Grande Seasoning on some Organic Chicken Breasts. Grilled them on the PK Grill using the Grill Grates. These were probably the best tasting Chicken Breasts I have cooked. No sugar allows the seasoning not to burn at high heat. I highly recommend this company and this rub. Well if you live in Corpus Christi, Texas you can pick some up at QC Meat Market 3002 S Port Ave, Corpus Christi, TX 78405
(361) 887-6644 . Also you can order online.
I'll be using it on more foods in the near future. Thanks for watching and as always, " God Bless you & Adios Amigos...


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