Ep. 64 - C.J. Ortiz - Metal Motivation - University of Badassery

4 years ago

Ep. 64 of the Bearded Biz Show featured the Metal Motivator C.J. Ortiz who has spoken all over the world. He also hosts alongside Pat McNamara for the University of Badassery podcast. Check it out!

We talked about incorporating heavy metal into his personal development philosophy, why it’s important to help equip people to maximize their resources for a purpose greater than themselves, and the daily grind!

Listen to the audio show on anchor.fm/topratedmma - Apple iTunes - Spotify - iHeart Radio - Castbox - Overcast - Pocket Casts - RadioPublic - Stitcher - TuneIn - Breaker

Be sure to LIKE / FOLLOW C.J. Ortiz -
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/officialcjortiz/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/metalmotivator
Twitter - https://twitter.com/metalmotivation
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/MetalMotivation
Website - https://metalmotivation.com/

Free eBook from Metal Motivation - https://metalmotivation.lpages.co/ebook/
Metal Motivation Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/metalmotivation/

Be sure to LIKE / FOLLOW University of Badassery -
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/uobpodcast/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/universityofbadassery/
Website - https://university-of-badassery.myshopify.com/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDCr9a6LTAQQgR1xigKTNfQ

Please check out BeardedBiz.com where I am talking with Entrepreneurs, World Changers, and Success Minded People!

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