Cancel This Podcast Episode 29 - July 21, 2020

4 years ago

This week on the show, Jase and Jon discuss the attempts by St. Louis to prosecute the McCloskeys for defending themselves, COVID mania - how much of the paranoia is just that? Are masks really helping anyone? A judge in the Epstein/Maxwell case gets targeted by an assassin, are transsexual Hooters girls upon us in the near future, and can the future be stopped??? QAnon gets banned from Twitter, the Federal Government comes to clean up Portland - why do the WOKE liberal politicians have such a problem with it? Kanye 2020 gets weird, Bitcoin hacks are coming, is Metacritic trying to appease the WOKE? All of this along with Star Wars rumors, Snyder Cut news, and more Transformers, GI Joe and Karate Kid stuff - the '80s are back? We wish!

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