3 Ingredient All Natural Cough Drops | immune system booster |

4 years ago

*Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Please speak to your doctor before taking anything. This is what our family does and while it may work for us, it might not for you. *

Ever year around Aug/Sept I go into holistic supplement making overload.

No joke.

With our youngest son's medical complexities, we have found that going a holistic approach works best for him.

So I thought I'd share with you all on how we make our all natural, organic, whole foods cough drops and immune system boosters. It just takes 3 simple ingredients and less than 30 mins from start to finish.

And as a mom to littles, I never have to worry about calling poison control if my child consumes one too many of these, because they are made with REAL FOODS. No artificial coloring, no chemicals, no pharmaceuticals. Just REAL food with REAL result.

Yes, food can be medicine too!

*I shot this live on our social media, so please forgive some of the notification sound you might hear*


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