Inspiring True Story from Homelessness to SEO Professional and Beyond

4 years ago

What’s your true north? Do you know?

As a young man in high school, I took all the right classes and had plans to be a programmer or developer.

Before finding success in the realm of digital marketing, I was a computer technician. Before that, I was a flooring installer for over 11 years. What happened?

What can I say, I got stuck...

After I graduated high school, I found myself homeless for over a year. It’s hard to find a job when you’re in that situation, with no address and no phone number. I found the first decent paying job that I could find to support myself and get me back on my feet.

Years passed and it just became comfortable.
I stopped believing in myself.

I eventually came to my senses and started to move toward my fears. I studied and achieved my CompTIA A+ certification and landed a job in the tech field. This job segued into web development, and eventually into my passion for SEO.

After working for agencies for a number of years, I started my own SEO consulting and coaching company and I love what I do - I wouldn't change it for anything.

Compromising your deeply held desires, principles, and beliefs helps no one. Especially not yourself.

So What is your true north?

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My Ultimate SEO Audit Template: https://www.relativedigitalmarketing....

Ultimate guide on how to build backlinks: https://www.relativedigitalmarketing....


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