S2:E69 | The Post Election Episode

4 years ago

I swear...a stolen election is just as bad as stolen valor. I still have full faith that MY President, the President of the United States, the 45th President Donald J. Trump...is still going to pull this off. I know it in my heart that he legally won the election. Without a doubt. the democrats should be ashamed of themselves...but in order to be ashamed I guess they would need to have some integrity first. Integrity, Honor, Respect, and Loyalty towards We The People, we the people they serve, WE...the people of the United States of America. But no, I've lost all respect for any and all democrats. Does that mean we can't be friends? no. I means now I know that 1. Y'all are stupid. 2. Y'all don't give a flying fuck about our beautiful United States and 3. Y'all just fucked ME out of getting a pardon because you cut it short by four years.

Don't forget to use #pardongarybrugman on all of your social media posts.

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